
Our Scholarships

High School Students

$5,000 Renewable Scholarship

(Up to 4 years)

This program provides educational scholarships to high school seniors who have a financial need and have demonstrated scholastic achievement, and a dedication to community service.

Our Scholarships

College Students

$5,000 Non-Renewable Scholarship

(Previous winners may re-apply)

This program provides educational scholarships to college students who have a financial need and have demonstrated scholastic achievement, and a dedication to community service.

How to Apply


  • Minumum 2.5 Cumulative GPA

  • Demonstrate Financial Need

  • Graduating HS senior or Current College Student

  • Attending or Planning to Attend Eligible HS/College

  • Legal U.S. Resident

  • Pursuing Undergraduate Degree or Diploma

  • Minumum 2.5 Cumulative GPA

  • Demonstrate Financial Need

  • Graduating HS senior or Current College Student

  • Attending or Planning to Attend Eligible HS/College

  • Legal U.S. Resident

  • Pursuing Undergraduate Degree or Diploma

The Application

Must be submitted between Jan 1st - Feb 28th

  1. 1

    Fill out your student application

  2. 2

    Write your 300-word essay

  3. 3

    Wait for a status update (by April 15th)

* If selected, application information WILL be verified.
* Scholarship is for tuition and tuition related fees only
* For essay guidelines, please click here
* For high school seniors, see eligible High Schools
* For college applicants, see eligible Colleges

Other Programs


This program provides educational scholarships to lineal descendants of Joseph Moss Bailey who demonstrate scholastic achievement.

Eligible descendants of Joseph Moss Bailey may download heritage application here.

Hope for Tomorrow

This research program is designed to determine how limited scholarship funds are the most efficiently utilized. From this program the Foundation hopes to learn how scholarships can be awarded most effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Application Process

    How are the applications graded?

    Your application will be personally evaluated by five different reviewers. Each reviewer assigns the application a numerical score. The computer then averages and curves the five reviewers scores to come up with the final score for your application. The top applications for each school are then awarded scholarships.

    How do the reviewers decide what an application gets?

    Each reviewer is free to develop his or her own objective grading standards. Reviewers like to consider a wide range of factors including your GPA, income, goals, writing ability, service history, personal stories, and any other information you choose to share in your essay.

    Who are the reviewers?

    Our all-volunteer reviewer pool (over 200) are made up of a cross section of American society. Our reviewers are business leaders, home makers, educators, Veterans, college student, farmers, Stock Brokers, geneologists, bankers, interior designers, and computer professionals. They are people of many different faiths and races, however, they all hold at least two things in common: a belief in the importance of education, and a passion for giving their time and effort to the community.

  • The Award Itself

    If I win the High School Program Scholarship, at what colleges can I use the scholarship?

    A High School Program Scholarship recipient may use the award at any regionally accredited institution in the country.

    How much money is awarded with a Bailey Family Foundation Scholarship?

    Scholarship recipients are given $5,000. Recipients are encouraged to apply again in subsequent years.

    Who will the money be paid to?

    The money is paid directly to the school you are attending.

    What can I use the money for?

    The scholarship money may be used for tuition only.

    When will I be contacted to learn if I've won?

    All applicants will receive a status update via email by April 15th. Please check your junk email boxes if you do not see one.

    When can I start using my scholarship funds if I've won?

    Your scholarship funds will be available for academic year starting this July 1st to June 30th of next year.

    How long do I have to use the scholarship money?

    A recipient has 12 months to use the scholarship.

    If I've won as a high school senior from an eligible high school, is my scholarship renewable?

    Yes, your scholarship is renewable up to 4 awards in successive years for a maximum amount of $20,000. The application period is January 1st - Feb 28th of each year. It is your responsibility to apply for renewal each year on our website and follow instructions to complete your renewal application.

    If I've won as a college student from an eligible college, is my scholarship renewable?

    No, your scholarship is not renewable. However, you're encouraged to apply again in subsequent years. Your application will go through our normal scholarship selection process.

  • General Questions

    How can I help the Bailey Family Foundation?

    We do not accept monetary donations. However, we are always looking for more reviewers to help us choose scholarship recipients. If you would like to be a reviewer, please contact us at so we can give you more information about being a volunteer reviewer.

    Why does the Bailey Family Foundation give away scholarships?

    Education turned Ron Bailey from a poor kid with no prospects for the future into a college professor, then a University President, and eventually a corporate CEO. The U.S. Army was there to help Mr. Bailey get his education. Now, through the Bailey Family Foundation, he is able to help others improve their lives through education.

  • Profile & Payment

    How do I update my contact information with the Bailey Family Foundation?

    a. Go to, then click on "Login" and choose "Recipient".
    b. Enter your email address that you provided the Foundation and the password.
    c. Choose "Edit my profile" to update your information.

    How do I check whether my school invoice has been received or paid by the Bailey Family Foundation?

    a. Go to, then click on "Login" and choose "Recipient".
    b. Enter your email address that you provided the Foundation and the password.
    c. Choose "Edit my profile" to update your information.

    How do I use my scholarship money?

    Upon receiving an invoice from your school, the Bailey Family Foundation will pay up to $5,000 within an academic year for tuition and academic fees directly to your school. If your school fails to send us an invoice, it is your responsibility to obtain and send us the invoice for each semester.

    How long does it take for the Bailey Family Foundation to process my invoice once it is received?

    After receiving an invoice, payment is generally sent to your school within 5 business days. Please allow a few days for mail delivery.